Offshore Wind Environmental Permitting Expert Jill Rowe Joins Epsilon Associates, Inc.

March 21st, 2023

Epsilon Associates is pleased to announce that leading offshore wind environmental assessment and permitting expert Jill Rowe has joined the firm.

An experienced ocean science director and offshore wind lead, Jill has over 20 years of experience in environmental consulting including offshore wind and oil and gas development, with subject matter expertise including National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) support; modeling the fate and exposure of biota to oil and other chemical releases; developing fish, benthic, and essential fish habitat analyses; and evaluation of spatial abundance and recruitment patterns.

Jill Rowq

“Many of us have worked with Jill for decades now, across so many of our offshore wind and coastal projects,” said Maria Hartnett, Epsilon Associates’ Offshore Wind group manager. “We are so happy to have her as a member of our team.”

Ms. Rowe has managed and assisted on major projects with teams consisting of both academic expert and consultant subcontractors, such as facilitating and leading technical working groups and expert committees for both the Deepwater Horizon Natural Resource Damage Assessment and the Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE) Relative Environmental Sensitivity Analysis.

An author of and contributor to numerous scientific papers, Jill received her M.S. in Marine Biology from the University of Charleston, and her B.S. in Biology from DePauw University.

Rhode-Island based, she also works at Epsilon’s Maynard, Mass. headquarters supporting Epsilon partners and clients as well as its Offshore Wind team members located in Maine, Massachusetts, New York, Virginia, Maryland, and South Carolina and client projects across the United States.

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