Epsilon Announces Numerous Staff Promotions
August 2nd, 2023
Epsilon Associates celebrates our community of scientists, planners, engineers and support staff who make up our firm. Each unique, they are emerging, mid-career, and senior leaders in their respective fields, advancing in their professional development through varied, challenging, and rewarding project assignments in the Northeast and across the nation.
We're thrilled to acknowledge the achievements of the following seven recently promoted members of our Ecological, Acoustics, Historic Preservation, GIS, and Air Quality Groups: John Zimmer, Ryan Callahan, Erin Doherty, Rob Weiner, Clint Cyr, Ida Weiss and Anthony “TJ” Savino.
John Zimmer promoted to Principal (Ecological Services Group)
Epsilon Associates is thrilled to announce in Permitting Matters John Zimmer’s promotion to firm Principal. John is a dedicated and valued member of Epsilon, and a leader and mentor to many. Since joining Epsilon in 2021 John has been an integral member of the Offshore Wind and Ecological Sciences groups. He serves as project manager and regulatory liaison for large-scale energy infrastructure projects involving multi-year permitting efforts including several proposed offshore wind development projects.
John has strong business development, program and project management expertise across multiple industries including oil and gas, electric transmission, and commercial and residential development. John has a background in wildlife biology and wetland science, and, over the course of his 26-year environmental consulting career, he has successfully managed and permitted projects in over 15 states ranging in scope from single-family homes to 500+ mile natural gas pipelines. John’s experience with projects and clients outside of the Northeast coupled with his program management skills provides Epsilon with additional capabilities that fully complement our growth strategy.
Ryan Callahan, INCE promoted to firm Associate (Acoustics Group)
We are pleased to announce Ryan Callahan’s promotion to firm Associate. Ryan joined Epsilon in 2017. He is a member of the Institute of Noise Control Engineering (INCE) with 17 years of experience as a noise consultant in acoustic modeling and sound level monitoring. Ryan assists clients with a range of projects such as wind farms, solar energy centers, energy storage facilities, traditional power plants, commercial developments, and industrial facilities. Ryan performs acoustic modeling using industry leading software, recommends conceptual mitigation and designs, and implements field monitoring programs for permitting purposes and for demonstrating compliance with local and state noise regulations.
Ryan has successfully completed sound monitoring or modeling for over 250 different projects. During his career, he has provided expert testimony and presentations before state authorities, county boards, and town boards. We congratulate Ryan on his achievements.
Rob Weiner promoted to Senior Consultant
Congratulations to Rob Weiner on his promotion to Senior Consultant. Rob is a highly skilled geographer with extensive experience in Geographic Information Systems (GIS), spatial data analysis, quality assurance, and quality control. He joined the firm in 2006. As GIS Group Manager, Rob leads his team supporting hundreds of Epsilon client projects each year. He is an expert in numerous software products and programs such as ArcGIS and AutoCAD, as well as graphical software such as the Adobe suite. Rob specializes in implementing environmental constraints mapping and devising solutions to geospatial issues in support of Epsilon’s project managers.
Prior to joining Epsilon, Rob served as a senior analyst in the Sewer Mapping Unit for the New York City Department of Environmental Protection (DEP). He was also appointed by the Deputy Commissioner to Mayor Bloomberg’s Flood Mitigation Task Force to analyze and map sewer backup and street flooding events to help target areas for capital improvements.
Clint Cyr, PE, INCE promoted to Senior Consultant (Acoustics Group)
Clint Cyr is a senior consultant and acoustical engineer at Epsilon with expertise in the areas of environmental impact assessment and noise control. He joined Epsilon in 2013. Clint helps developers successfully site and permit a wide variety of projects, including industrial-scale wind farms, electrical substations, light-rail transit systems, medical centers, cogeneration facilities, conventional power plants, transmission lines, and commercial developments. Clint has honed his skills through years of experience conducting on-site measurement programs, generating acoustic models, and performing project feasibility studies for a diverse range of industries, agencies, and utilities across the United States. He also conducts conceptual mitigation analyses, sound level compliance testing, and provides expert witness testimony for both sound level and shadow flicker studies. Congratulations, Clint.
Erin Doherty promoted to Senior Preservation Planner (Historic Group)
Congratulations to Erin Doherty on her promotion to Senior Preservation Planner. Erin joined Epsilon in 2019 and has extensive experience in historic preservation planning, architectural design review and historic tax credits. During her time at Epsilon, Erin has helped clients successfully navigate complex historic regulatory reviews and secured historic tax credits for dozens of projects. With over 10 years of professional experience, including numerous years as a Preservation Planner with both the Massachusetts Historical Commission and Boston Landmarks Commission, Erin has a thorough understanding of environmental regulations and guidelines affecting historic resources at the local, state, and federal levels. Her expertise in state and federal historic rehabilitation tax credits makes her a key member of our team. We are thrilled to have Erin as part of our team.
Ida Weiss promoted to Project Engineer (Air Quality Group)
As a member of Epsilon’s Air Quality Group since 2021, Ida Weiss runs complex air dispersion software to model emissions from proposed projects in Massachusetts and across the northeastern United States for both mobile and stationary sources. In addition, Ida prepares mesoscale analyses for projects with substantial traffic and uses her expertise in GIS, Python, and Excel to support the Planning, Air, and Ecological Sciences/Wetlands Groups and GIS team. Ida also writes environmental justice (EJ) analyses to evaluate project impacts on EJ populations. We congratulate Ida Weiss on her superior performance and this promotion.
Anthony “TJ” Savino promoted to Project Scientist (Acoustics Group)
Anthony “TJ” Savino has been promoted to Acoustical Project Scientist at Epsilon. Since joining Epsilon in 2020, TJ has quickly become a valued asset to the company with his expertise in environmental impact assessments relating to noise control. TJ's experience includes assisting in performing project feasibility studies and conducting on-site measurement programs across a broad range of industries throughout the United States, including small to large-scale solar and wind farms, battery energy storage facilities, construction noise, commercial developments, power plants, and other industrial facilities. TJ's dedication and hard work have proved him to be a valuable member of the Epsilon team. His expertise in noise control, combined with his ability to perform on-site measurements and project feasibility studies, greatly contribute to the success of his projects. TJ has proven his ability to manage complex projects and work effectively with a diverse range of industries. Congratulations, TJ.